As the environmental crisis worsens, we are uniting with parents and other concerned individuals and organizations around the globe to bring upon necessary change to save our planet. We hope to leave it in a better state for our children and grandchildren. We owe it to them.
US Parents for Climate Action was founded in Boston, MA, in 2021. While the primary focus of this group is for parents, anyone interested in aiding our environment and helping to make our planet a better place for everyone is encouraged to join.
Inspired by the powerful nature of music and with past experience in the field, founders of US Parents for Climate Action were drawn to bring about change through this medium. This has led to the proposal for the Concert For The Earth. Through music, USPCA’s goal is to inspire action toward the environmental problems our world is facing. We feel this movement is strengthened by partnerships and support from communities and organizations committed to empowering people to protect nature in all forms. We welcome collaborations from all interested parties.
“We’re handing them [young people & future generations] a climate system which is potentially out of their control. We’re in an emergency: you can see what’s on the horizon over the next few decades with the effects it will have on ecosystems, sea level, and species extinction.”